Professional teeth cleanings are a necessary dental procedure for improving your oral health, energizing, and brightening your smile while preventing various oral conditions. Even with the most efficient oral hygiene routine, removing all debris and plaque from every part of your mouth is impossible. As a result, some plaque will harden into tartar and form harmful bacteria. At Park Creek Dental Care, we provide efficient dental cleanings to maintain your oral functions and your smileās appearance.
Invest in the health of your smile with preventive dental cleanings at Park Creek Dental Care. Call us today to book your appointment at our Woodstock or Canton, GA, locations and keep your teeth and gums in top condition.
Before starting the cleaning process, our dentist will perform a comprehensive visual exam of your mouth. We will inspect your oral structures for signs of tooth decay, inflammation, or other possible dental concerns. If any issues are diagnosed, we will recommend the required care.Ā
Next, we will perform a scaling procedure using a dental scaler to remove the plaque and tartar deposits from your teeth and beneath your gum line.Ā
Once your mouth is tartar-free, we will brush and polish your teeth using a high-powered electric brush. This deep cleaning process will effectively eliminate any remaining tartar that the dental scaler might have missed.
Flossing conducted by our dentist can reach the deep corners and crevices of your teeth and find any spots where you might feel pain or gum bleeding. Finally, we will spray a jet of water to rinse your mouth of any remaining debris and residue.Ā
Fluoride application is the next step in the teeth cleaning process. This treatment is a preventive measure that will serve as a protectant to prevent cavities until your next cleaning process. In this step, we will apply a fluoride varnish which hardens when it comes in contact with saliva. After the procedure, you can eat and drink immediately.
After completing the above steps, our dentist will perform one last checkup. If any oral problems are identified, we will recommend the necessary treatments. We will educate you on home care tips to help you maintain proper dental health.
Kickstart your dental wellness journey with a professional dental cleaning at Park Creek Dental Care. Visit us in Woodstock and Canton, GA, to experience gentle care and thorough cleaning that leaves your smile feeling fresh and revitalized.
To learn more about our dental services or schedule a consultation, callĀ Dentist in Woodstock, GAĀ at (470) 601-7888 or visit Park Creek Dental Care at 8080 Hickory Flat Hwy, Woodstock, GA 30188.